Saturday 3 August 2013

Macaroni Cheese

Here is the recipe for my all time favourite dish.  My Mum gave me the recipe and it is a family favourite.  When I say family favourite, I mean the rest of the family aren't as passionate about it as I am!

The recipe is pretty straightforward but it takes a bit of time.


500g macaroni
1tsbp of olive oil
1 medium onion chopped finely
1 red pepper chopped finely
1 green pepper chopped finely
1tbsp of dried basil
3-4 rashers of smoked bacon sliced thinly or replace this for lardons or pancetta if you're feeling flash!
A few leaves of fresh basil
2 tomatoes sliced thinly
350g strong cheddar cheese grated
1 pint of milk
40g butter
40g plain flour
1tsp English mustard
Salt and pepper to taste.


1. Cook your pasta to al dente.
2. Place onions in the pan with the dried basil and bacon, soften the onions and cook bacon.  Add the peppers and cook through.
3. In another pot place the butter and melt, add the flour and make a roux, when combined add a little of the milk until combined with a whisk, do so until all the milk is combined with the sauce, keep whisking lightly.  Keep on a low heat and add some salt and pepper, then the mustard.  When all is integrated start adding your cheese, not all of it, just to taste, the rest will go on top of the finished dish.  When you are happy with the sauce it is time to assemble your dish.
 4.  Take a large baking dish and add the pasta and onions, bacon, peppers and mix well.  Then add the cheese sauce stirring to combine the ingredients evenly.  Don't be too aggressive with it or it'll go everywhere! When it is all together throw the rest of the cheese over the dish.  Put the tomatoes over the top neatly, each with a basil leaf underneath, this is optional but it looks very pretty and helps to portion the dish.  Drizzle a little olive oil over the finished dish and bake in a 200C oven for 20-30 minutes or until it is golden brown on top and bubbling! 

You can serve this dish with a nice salad or some garlic bread.  I love it on it's own.  It is so delicious.  And there are almost always leftovers to pick at later or the next day!  However it never lasts long in my house!  Enjoy! 

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