Sunday 28 July 2013

Peach Crumble

I wanted something sweet today.  Plus I didn't mind spending some time in the kitchen because my beloved was catching up on UFC, and I didn't fancy it.  Sundays after a UFC event normally leave me with plenty of free time, it goes on for hours.  

There wasn't much in the cupboards to make dessert.  Loads of savoury things to snack on but nothing sweet.  I spot a lonely tin of peaches in the cupboard, hiding between two tins of tomatoes.  Oh you cheeky devil!

This is so easy to make.  I only had one tin of peaches, but I would recommend if you're making this to use two.  I wasn't going to the shop, it's Sunday!


2x tins of peaches
100g wholemeal flour
100g butter cold from the fridge, cubed.
70g light brown sugar
30g granulated sugar
1 or 2 tiny drops of almond essence (optional, I love the scent of almond, it is an acquired taste so if you don't like it, don't add it)


1. Preheat the oven to 200c.  Rub together the butter and flour until crumbs form.
2. Add the sugars to the crumble topping and mix with a spoon.  Stick bowl in the fridge until you're ready for it.
3. Decant the peaches into a bowl and separate from the juices, (I just lifted each segment out of the juice and put in the pan), Place your peaches in a sandwich tin, or suitable ovenproof container.  
4. At this point I drop the tiniest couple of drops of almond essence over the peaches.  It adds such a lovely scent.  Top with your crumble and bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes or until your topping is crispy and brown.

I love custard so any excuse to have it I do, but you can serve this with cream or ice cream, heathens.  Joking, maybe.  Also keep the peach juices, stick them in the fridge, then drink them later, out of the fridge, at night, like a beast!

Marry, sir, 'tis an ill cook that cannot lick his
    own fingers: therefore he that cannot lick his
    fingers goes not with me.

 Romeo and Juliet Act 4, Scene 2

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